chapter twenty
Ran Sian had heard enough, and said so. "I have heard enough!"
The High Council chamber was large, but not so large that a clear voice like Ran's should fail to fill it with ringing proclamation if he so chose. Few had the audacity, and the authority fast behind, to do so. Ran sighed and thought momentarily of the diet his wife was always on about as he stood. The diet he never seemed quite ready to embrace. Then his large frame was out of his seat, high above the Council floor, and on its way to the nearby stairwell, and his mind returned to the here and now. There were few watchers scattered about the circular rows of the gallery here, such was the secrecy of this inquiry, yet Ran recognized one far in the back row and offered a smile and a wave before descending. Ran made it his business to radiate goodwill and whatever charm he might have readily and easily. He would be having words with that one soon enough.
In the stairwell, the amplified whispers of the High Councilors ran the full gamut; alarm, indignation (this primarily from Councilor Bretta, whom he had interrupted), and scarcely veiled trepidation. Ran passed the door that would lead to the various council seats and continued to descend to the floor below, where Lida Vianna stood alone.
Sequestered in the Tower of the Triad, as its name suggested, three floors above its much larger counterpart, the Lower Council chamber, the High Council chamber was still quite large, seeming much too vast for its twelve members. This was by design. Each councilor enjoyed a seat a full span and a half above the council floor, and their seats were evenly spaced about the wide circle below. The reasons for this were many; High Councilors in session could not easily confer with one another, but instead were forced to air their questions and concerns for all to hear. The full circle suggested that alliances and fractious division would be held to a minimum. But most of all, in times of inquiry--a serious matter indeed--those brought before the council would be forced to stand, tiny and unsure, surrounded by a great stone wall atop which sat the lofty perches of those who questioned them, evenly spaced about the enclosure like battlements. Few could enter such a space without trepidation. Ran Sian was one, and entered it now with his easy smile and leisurely stride, eyes intent upon the Councilor--Lower Councilor--who stood undaunted in the center of the floor. Lights from far above shone brightly upon her, leaving the Councilors who had been questioning her in turn in relative darkness, to say nothing of the shadows of the encircling gallery high above where Ran had been watching.
He had expected a good showing from the First Krysli, and yet still was impressed. The utterly surrounded High Council floor, with its battlements, bright lights and shadows, was meant to intimidate and bring utter humility to whomever might be brought before it, quashing pride and replacing it with uncertainty. And now, here stood one woman, a mere councilor, alone, yet she filled that daunting space rather than letting it fill her. She radiated equal measures of resentment, impatience, and acceptance. Ran's confidence came from authority. Hers came from her heart alone. Good show indeed!
All whispers ceased as Ran stepped into the light. The only sound now was the soft click of his boots against the stone of the floor as he made his way to the center of the circle. The entire chamber, from floor to gallery high overhead, held its breath waiting for Ran to break the silence. Let them wait. First, he greeted Councilor Vianna--it was very important to think of her as councilor, not Krysli--with a nod and a smile, then turned at her side and took in the shadows and the battlements and the High Councilors concealed behind them, making a full circle, forcing them all to witness his broad smile before he spoke a single word. From heights unseen, Ran almost thought he heard a soft chuckle. That would be his friend from the gallery, if any. Enough.
"My friends and colleagues, we have a long day ahead of us, long weeks ahead of us. I am afraid we simply do not have time for the kind of thorough inquiry to which you are used. I commend you all for the gravity with which you have conducted yourself, for this is indeed a serious affair. Yet surely you have all read this report." Ran held aloft the one item he had brought with him to the light, a thick bundle of papers which he now let fall to the floor. The resounding slap echoed throughout the chamber and left no doubt that the formal inquiry of Lida Vianna was now passed. It was Ran's turn now, and they would attend, however resentful or indignant. All of them. "If you have read it, and I trust no High Councilor would engage in such an inquiry without giving the prepared report due attention, then you surely know that there will be no official reprimands given to this Councilor on this day." Ran turned and smiled at Lida. "My compliments, Lady Vianna, for the grace and poise you have displayed this morning." He returned to the shadows above and about. "I am confident that no other has ever held this floor with such dignity of character before. This councilor humbles us. She humbles me. I cannot help but admire her fortitude at a time such as this."
Ran waited for his accolades to descend upon each High Councilor in turn. None spoke, and none would, until he had yielded the floor. "And quite an interesting time it is, my friends." He circled Lida now, and placed a hand upon her shoulder from behind. A shoulder that did not tremble. He gave it an affectionate squeeze and continued. "Even a brief perusal of this report," he indicated the bundle he had let drop with his foot, "reveals a woman of extraordinary courage and, yes, audacity of an unprecedented nature. But let us drop the pretense of reprimand and examine the situation more honestly. Councilor Vianna will not be removed from her seat in the Lower Chamber. Neither will she suffer censure or any other punishment this day. For this day finds this humble, graceful creature, with the fate of us all in her hands. Consider, my friends, consider."
Ran sighed, letting the slightest air of disappointment fill the space between his words before continuing. "Let me be brief, that we may, I trust, be similarly quick in deciding the disposition of those who will follow this good lady's turn here on the floor today. It is quite clear to me, at least. Therefore, let me be clear to this council that we may all be assured that I speak sooth when I say there shall be no punishment today."
Lida stood tall and unblinking beneath the lights. There was no chair for her to take, and this also was by design of the High Council. Ran snapped his fingers and beckoned towards a far stairwell. A page rushed forward with a wooden chair. Ran pointed and the chair was placed beside the First Krysli. Ran smiled and gestured, and Councilor Vianna took a seat at last.
"Friends, we who labor to seek wisdom on behalf of our nation and its welfare, I say again, consider. By actions unsanctioned and bold, Councilor Vianna has positioned herself as the most powerful person in all of Siguard. Can you not see? More powerful, all alone, than the combined authority of both chambers, and yes, even the Triad itself. She stands tall and uncowed before you today because she is well aware of this... reality. Perhaps she feared reprimand regardless, but we shall show her today that our vision and combined wisdom rises far above petty reprisals, useless gestures that will not serve Siguard at its greatest need."
"Consider. She now has control of the Krysli. This alone commands much respect, for without the steadfast service of these ladies, our defenses against our enemy is halved. Think also upon recent developments with this other, this Tristar, whom the populace has adopted lovingly as their savior, the very "Father of the Krysli" as they say. His place in the hearts of our citizens was seemingly won beyond doubt in the wake of the recent attempt on his life, which I trust you have all heard about." Ran turned to smile at Lida, seated just behind him now to his left. This smile carried more than goodwill. It carried admiration. "His station, this stranger from the unknown, is secure for as long as this good Councilor here wishes it to be. For all intents and purposes, despite any doubts or misgivings to the contrary here in the Tower of the Triad, he is now the Savior of Siguard. And have you not heard? Lady Vianna just named him Closest last night, quite publicly, at the theater. The witnesses were many, and comprised of Siguard's most influential citizens and merchants. Word has spread quickly." Ran smiled to himself this time. This woman's ability to position herself and her agenda beyond reproach was a work of true wonder.
Ran cleared his throat before continuing. A page was already half way across the floor with a cup of water. "Though we often might wish, for reasons understandable enough, that it were not so, this councilor is unique among all councilors in that she is also the First Krysli. After the fall of a certain magician," Ran had never cared much for Randle and his swagger, and chose not to refer to him by name now, "into madness, she stepped in at the behest of those who worry most about our nation's security, and now rules the Krysli. And the widely accepted "Savior of Siguard", this Tristar, is ever closer at her side." After pausing to accept and drink from the proffered cup with a good-natured smile, he let his eyes darken for the briefest moment. "There are none within this tower who can gainsay her will at this point." Having cut to the chase, his easy smile returned. He shared it once more with Lida. "Far better, councilor, that we speak together as peers, and seek wisdom as we move forward. Much has transpired to unsettle the peace of our land, much that could provoke our enemy to the north. I trust an invitation to speak to the very Triad itself on these matters would be welcomed by a proven defender of our nation?"
Lida stood, offered a generous courtesy first to Ran, then to the High Councilors above. "Indeed, I am honored, and ask only that you permit my Closest to attend at my side." Oh, this woman! She had been prepared for such a meeting, a meeting unprecedented for such a wayward councilor, who under any other set of circumstances, would be on her way out the door stripped of rank and title. Simply astounding. Such temerity gave Ran hope that they would be able to unravel this quagmire and salvage the peace yet.
The quagmire this fair lady of the fair courtesy had almost single-handedly engineered in her quest for power, he reminded himself.
"First Citizen!" Ran turned to his right and looked up. This was High Councilor Bretta, the Councilor of Diplomacy, whom he had interrupted from the gallery heights above. "Is the Triad of one mind upon this matter?" The question was a formality, one Bretta's pride could not quite eschew. All here knew the answer before Ran nodded and spoke.
"We are." Were it otherwise, Ran would have been unable to call the proceedings to a halt.
The silence now broken, mutterings and whispers flew about the chamber with abandon. Ran entertained the High Council's need to assert itself in some small fashion for a measure of heartbeats with a smile. Then he raised his hand. "On behalf of my colleagues, I do vouch for Councilor Lida Vianna. Let no more charges be levied against her until the current crisis is dealt with."
"Yet this crisis is of the councilor's making, First Citizen!" This from Pon Burdin, the High Councilor of Defense. He was quite within his rights to make note of such an indisputable fact, but again, this was but formality, part and parcel of a wider attempt among the loftiest members of the High Council to salvage their voice and will, and thereby, perhaps some of their pride. The Triad, through Ran Sian, First Citizen of Siguard, had spoken. The debate was all but closed.
"The First General and First Councilor have been appraised of the situation. The Triad is united on this. Pray, good Councilor Burdin, let us move now to further matters, that the Triad might have the benefit of your wisdom. Indeed, let us conclude with a unanimous vote and proceed. Lady Vianna, will you attend, or--"
Ran was shocked to see the First Krysli standing and staring intently into the dark vastness above the chamber, above the gallery, to the very ceiling, remote and from where the bright lights surrounding herself and Ran emanated. She did not blink as she stared into the light. She seemed to be listening, though Ran heard nothing. "Councilor...?"
And like that, she was no longer a woman. She was a Krysli and all lights dimmed in the face of her power. The air crackled and her voice seemed to be everywhere at once. "My pardon, First Citizen and High Councilors, but I must depart at once." Even Ran was taken aback by the sudden transformation, and the boldness of her announcement. "Forgive me, but if I do not leave now, your lives will be in danger. I fear I face an attack, and would not meet it here. I shall return as I am able, First Citizen. My thanks for your kind words."
And in a rush of silver fire, Lida Vianna swept out of the High Council chamber, leaving the most powerful voices of Siguard blinking and confused in her wake. Ran sighed and lowered his head. They would not remain so for long. He did not doubt Councilor Vianna in the least; some sort of menace must be approaching. Yet this bold woman had his trust, and there were others who would look to the safety of Siguard City. The crisis remained here, in the citadel, for the vote to clear the councilor of any charges of misconduct had to be unanimous if it were to be kept secret. And it had to be kept secret, and of course, there was the matter of--
"Outrage! This is... unheard of in the High Council Chamber! I will NOT stand aside, First Citizen! It is my privilege and right to enter into the record my disapproval of such... such flagrant disrespect for the People's Government." High Councilor Bretta simply did not want to let this go. And judging by the ensuing commotion, his rancor threatened to generate even more dischord. Ran raised one hand, head still bowed.
Silence finally settled in uneasily. A member of the Triad had certain rights even the most schocked councilors, High or otherwise, had to respect. "Perhaps it is also unheard of that a Krysli, the First Krysli, should be brought into this chamber to be considered for removal from office, councilor. In light of her announcement, I call for a recess until our military can bring further news of this threat. Agreed?"
The air above continued to simmer restlessly. Thankfully, Handa Ward chose the perfect time to stride onto the floor to meet him. The heavy thud of her armored boots had the effect of a presiding councilor's hammer sounding against his block. All eyes were on the General now. "High Councilors, I beg your pardon, but I"ve just received word that events transpire above us that require witness. I come now to escort the esteemed First Councilor to this very task. Councilor Vianna labors in fiery combat in the skies above our city. We are under attack. For your safety, I must ask that all councilors remain within the fastness of this chamber until the threat has passed. Two selvats are on guard without this chamber, and another comes from the lower chamber. You will all be safe, if my mettle has any say in the matter." She scanned the room with a dour smile. "Again, forgive me."
With Handa briskly leading the way to the far stairwell, the general and her First Councilor left the chamber in a state of chaos beyond any it had seen in many a long summer.
The High Council chamber was large, but not so large that a clear voice like Ran's should fail to fill it with ringing proclamation if he so chose. Few had the audacity, and the authority fast behind, to do so. Ran sighed and thought momentarily of the diet his wife was always on about as he stood. The diet he never seemed quite ready to embrace. Then his large frame was out of his seat, high above the Council floor, and on its way to the nearby stairwell, and his mind returned to the here and now. There were few watchers scattered about the circular rows of the gallery here, such was the secrecy of this inquiry, yet Ran recognized one far in the back row and offered a smile and a wave before descending. Ran made it his business to radiate goodwill and whatever charm he might have readily and easily. He would be having words with that one soon enough.
In the stairwell, the amplified whispers of the High Councilors ran the full gamut; alarm, indignation (this primarily from Councilor Bretta, whom he had interrupted), and scarcely veiled trepidation. Ran passed the door that would lead to the various council seats and continued to descend to the floor below, where Lida Vianna stood alone.
Sequestered in the Tower of the Triad, as its name suggested, three floors above its much larger counterpart, the Lower Council chamber, the High Council chamber was still quite large, seeming much too vast for its twelve members. This was by design. Each councilor enjoyed a seat a full span and a half above the council floor, and their seats were evenly spaced about the wide circle below. The reasons for this were many; High Councilors in session could not easily confer with one another, but instead were forced to air their questions and concerns for all to hear. The full circle suggested that alliances and fractious division would be held to a minimum. But most of all, in times of inquiry--a serious matter indeed--those brought before the council would be forced to stand, tiny and unsure, surrounded by a great stone wall atop which sat the lofty perches of those who questioned them, evenly spaced about the enclosure like battlements. Few could enter such a space without trepidation. Ran Sian was one, and entered it now with his easy smile and leisurely stride, eyes intent upon the Councilor--Lower Councilor--who stood undaunted in the center of the floor. Lights from far above shone brightly upon her, leaving the Councilors who had been questioning her in turn in relative darkness, to say nothing of the shadows of the encircling gallery high above where Ran had been watching.
He had expected a good showing from the First Krysli, and yet still was impressed. The utterly surrounded High Council floor, with its battlements, bright lights and shadows, was meant to intimidate and bring utter humility to whomever might be brought before it, quashing pride and replacing it with uncertainty. And now, here stood one woman, a mere councilor, alone, yet she filled that daunting space rather than letting it fill her. She radiated equal measures of resentment, impatience, and acceptance. Ran's confidence came from authority. Hers came from her heart alone. Good show indeed!
All whispers ceased as Ran stepped into the light. The only sound now was the soft click of his boots against the stone of the floor as he made his way to the center of the circle. The entire chamber, from floor to gallery high overhead, held its breath waiting for Ran to break the silence. Let them wait. First, he greeted Councilor Vianna--it was very important to think of her as councilor, not Krysli--with a nod and a smile, then turned at her side and took in the shadows and the battlements and the High Councilors concealed behind them, making a full circle, forcing them all to witness his broad smile before he spoke a single word. From heights unseen, Ran almost thought he heard a soft chuckle. That would be his friend from the gallery, if any. Enough.
"My friends and colleagues, we have a long day ahead of us, long weeks ahead of us. I am afraid we simply do not have time for the kind of thorough inquiry to which you are used. I commend you all for the gravity with which you have conducted yourself, for this is indeed a serious affair. Yet surely you have all read this report." Ran held aloft the one item he had brought with him to the light, a thick bundle of papers which he now let fall to the floor. The resounding slap echoed throughout the chamber and left no doubt that the formal inquiry of Lida Vianna was now passed. It was Ran's turn now, and they would attend, however resentful or indignant. All of them. "If you have read it, and I trust no High Councilor would engage in such an inquiry without giving the prepared report due attention, then you surely know that there will be no official reprimands given to this Councilor on this day." Ran turned and smiled at Lida. "My compliments, Lady Vianna, for the grace and poise you have displayed this morning." He returned to the shadows above and about. "I am confident that no other has ever held this floor with such dignity of character before. This councilor humbles us. She humbles me. I cannot help but admire her fortitude at a time such as this."
Ran waited for his accolades to descend upon each High Councilor in turn. None spoke, and none would, until he had yielded the floor. "And quite an interesting time it is, my friends." He circled Lida now, and placed a hand upon her shoulder from behind. A shoulder that did not tremble. He gave it an affectionate squeeze and continued. "Even a brief perusal of this report," he indicated the bundle he had let drop with his foot, "reveals a woman of extraordinary courage and, yes, audacity of an unprecedented nature. But let us drop the pretense of reprimand and examine the situation more honestly. Councilor Vianna will not be removed from her seat in the Lower Chamber. Neither will she suffer censure or any other punishment this day. For this day finds this humble, graceful creature, with the fate of us all in her hands. Consider, my friends, consider."
Ran sighed, letting the slightest air of disappointment fill the space between his words before continuing. "Let me be brief, that we may, I trust, be similarly quick in deciding the disposition of those who will follow this good lady's turn here on the floor today. It is quite clear to me, at least. Therefore, let me be clear to this council that we may all be assured that I speak sooth when I say there shall be no punishment today."
Lida stood tall and unblinking beneath the lights. There was no chair for her to take, and this also was by design of the High Council. Ran snapped his fingers and beckoned towards a far stairwell. A page rushed forward with a wooden chair. Ran pointed and the chair was placed beside the First Krysli. Ran smiled and gestured, and Councilor Vianna took a seat at last.
"Friends, we who labor to seek wisdom on behalf of our nation and its welfare, I say again, consider. By actions unsanctioned and bold, Councilor Vianna has positioned herself as the most powerful person in all of Siguard. Can you not see? More powerful, all alone, than the combined authority of both chambers, and yes, even the Triad itself. She stands tall and uncowed before you today because she is well aware of this... reality. Perhaps she feared reprimand regardless, but we shall show her today that our vision and combined wisdom rises far above petty reprisals, useless gestures that will not serve Siguard at its greatest need."
"Consider. She now has control of the Krysli. This alone commands much respect, for without the steadfast service of these ladies, our defenses against our enemy is halved. Think also upon recent developments with this other, this Tristar, whom the populace has adopted lovingly as their savior, the very "Father of the Krysli" as they say. His place in the hearts of our citizens was seemingly won beyond doubt in the wake of the recent attempt on his life, which I trust you have all heard about." Ran turned to smile at Lida, seated just behind him now to his left. This smile carried more than goodwill. It carried admiration. "His station, this stranger from the unknown, is secure for as long as this good Councilor here wishes it to be. For all intents and purposes, despite any doubts or misgivings to the contrary here in the Tower of the Triad, he is now the Savior of Siguard. And have you not heard? Lady Vianna just named him Closest last night, quite publicly, at the theater. The witnesses were many, and comprised of Siguard's most influential citizens and merchants. Word has spread quickly." Ran smiled to himself this time. This woman's ability to position herself and her agenda beyond reproach was a work of true wonder.
Ran cleared his throat before continuing. A page was already half way across the floor with a cup of water. "Though we often might wish, for reasons understandable enough, that it were not so, this councilor is unique among all councilors in that she is also the First Krysli. After the fall of a certain magician," Ran had never cared much for Randle and his swagger, and chose not to refer to him by name now, "into madness, she stepped in at the behest of those who worry most about our nation's security, and now rules the Krysli. And the widely accepted "Savior of Siguard", this Tristar, is ever closer at her side." After pausing to accept and drink from the proffered cup with a good-natured smile, he let his eyes darken for the briefest moment. "There are none within this tower who can gainsay her will at this point." Having cut to the chase, his easy smile returned. He shared it once more with Lida. "Far better, councilor, that we speak together as peers, and seek wisdom as we move forward. Much has transpired to unsettle the peace of our land, much that could provoke our enemy to the north. I trust an invitation to speak to the very Triad itself on these matters would be welcomed by a proven defender of our nation?"
Lida stood, offered a generous courtesy first to Ran, then to the High Councilors above. "Indeed, I am honored, and ask only that you permit my Closest to attend at my side." Oh, this woman! She had been prepared for such a meeting, a meeting unprecedented for such a wayward councilor, who under any other set of circumstances, would be on her way out the door stripped of rank and title. Simply astounding. Such temerity gave Ran hope that they would be able to unravel this quagmire and salvage the peace yet.
The quagmire this fair lady of the fair courtesy had almost single-handedly engineered in her quest for power, he reminded himself.
"First Citizen!" Ran turned to his right and looked up. This was High Councilor Bretta, the Councilor of Diplomacy, whom he had interrupted from the gallery heights above. "Is the Triad of one mind upon this matter?" The question was a formality, one Bretta's pride could not quite eschew. All here knew the answer before Ran nodded and spoke.
"We are." Were it otherwise, Ran would have been unable to call the proceedings to a halt.
The silence now broken, mutterings and whispers flew about the chamber with abandon. Ran entertained the High Council's need to assert itself in some small fashion for a measure of heartbeats with a smile. Then he raised his hand. "On behalf of my colleagues, I do vouch for Councilor Lida Vianna. Let no more charges be levied against her until the current crisis is dealt with."
"Yet this crisis is of the councilor's making, First Citizen!" This from Pon Burdin, the High Councilor of Defense. He was quite within his rights to make note of such an indisputable fact, but again, this was but formality, part and parcel of a wider attempt among the loftiest members of the High Council to salvage their voice and will, and thereby, perhaps some of their pride. The Triad, through Ran Sian, First Citizen of Siguard, had spoken. The debate was all but closed.
"The First General and First Councilor have been appraised of the situation. The Triad is united on this. Pray, good Councilor Burdin, let us move now to further matters, that the Triad might have the benefit of your wisdom. Indeed, let us conclude with a unanimous vote and proceed. Lady Vianna, will you attend, or--"
Ran was shocked to see the First Krysli standing and staring intently into the dark vastness above the chamber, above the gallery, to the very ceiling, remote and from where the bright lights surrounding herself and Ran emanated. She did not blink as she stared into the light. She seemed to be listening, though Ran heard nothing. "Councilor...?"
And like that, she was no longer a woman. She was a Krysli and all lights dimmed in the face of her power. The air crackled and her voice seemed to be everywhere at once. "My pardon, First Citizen and High Councilors, but I must depart at once." Even Ran was taken aback by the sudden transformation, and the boldness of her announcement. "Forgive me, but if I do not leave now, your lives will be in danger. I fear I face an attack, and would not meet it here. I shall return as I am able, First Citizen. My thanks for your kind words."
And in a rush of silver fire, Lida Vianna swept out of the High Council chamber, leaving the most powerful voices of Siguard blinking and confused in her wake. Ran sighed and lowered his head. They would not remain so for long. He did not doubt Councilor Vianna in the least; some sort of menace must be approaching. Yet this bold woman had his trust, and there were others who would look to the safety of Siguard City. The crisis remained here, in the citadel, for the vote to clear the councilor of any charges of misconduct had to be unanimous if it were to be kept secret. And it had to be kept secret, and of course, there was the matter of--
"Outrage! This is... unheard of in the High Council Chamber! I will NOT stand aside, First Citizen! It is my privilege and right to enter into the record my disapproval of such... such flagrant disrespect for the People's Government." High Councilor Bretta simply did not want to let this go. And judging by the ensuing commotion, his rancor threatened to generate even more dischord. Ran raised one hand, head still bowed.
Silence finally settled in uneasily. A member of the Triad had certain rights even the most schocked councilors, High or otherwise, had to respect. "Perhaps it is also unheard of that a Krysli, the First Krysli, should be brought into this chamber to be considered for removal from office, councilor. In light of her announcement, I call for a recess until our military can bring further news of this threat. Agreed?"
The air above continued to simmer restlessly. Thankfully, Handa Ward chose the perfect time to stride onto the floor to meet him. The heavy thud of her armored boots had the effect of a presiding councilor's hammer sounding against his block. All eyes were on the General now. "High Councilors, I beg your pardon, but I"ve just received word that events transpire above us that require witness. I come now to escort the esteemed First Councilor to this very task. Councilor Vianna labors in fiery combat in the skies above our city. We are under attack. For your safety, I must ask that all councilors remain within the fastness of this chamber until the threat has passed. Two selvats are on guard without this chamber, and another comes from the lower chamber. You will all be safe, if my mettle has any say in the matter." She scanned the room with a dour smile. "Again, forgive me."
With Handa briskly leading the way to the far stairwell, the general and her First Councilor left the chamber in a state of chaos beyond any it had seen in many a long summer.
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